Cheap websites in Ecuador

You are looking for cheap websites in Ecuador, but you realize that the prices are not within your reach and many do not meet all your expectations. In Ecuador, prices vary from 500 to 1,000 dollars, which is evident that it generates economic difficulties, so you may be wondering where you can get a service full of quality, professionalism and for a lower price. Here we are to help you answer all those unknowns so that you stop being a novice in web page issues and if you already have knowledge, they will help you to clear up doubts and make the best decision. Many people who start to undertake and are determined to make a web page have limited amounts of money and when investing it they only expect quality, however you can have cheap web pages and also have PEDROPIXEL which is the best option on the market with personalized prices and not only does it work on the design of your website, but it also does a great job in programming, these two characteristics being essential for the success of your website. In addition, it offers you a great service from 60 dollars and up, making it one of the best for making web pages, since, beyond the low cost, you will have the guarantee that your website will be completely stable and functional for your requirements. Also, it is important to keep in mind that the next step would be to hire a secure hosting and…

You are looking for cheap websites in Ecuador, but you realize that the prices are not within your reach and many do not meet all your expectations.

In Ecuador, prices vary from 500 to 1,000 dollars, which is evident that it generates economic difficulties, so you may be wondering where you can get a service full of quality, professionalism and for a lower price. Here we are to help you answer all those unknowns so that you stop being a novice in web page issues and if you already have knowledge, they will help you to clear up doubts and make the best decision.

Many people who start to undertake and are determined to make a web page have limited amounts of money and when investing it they only expect quality, however you can have cheap web pages and also have PEDROPIXEL which is the best option on the market with personalized prices and not only does it work on the design of your website, but it also does a great job in programming, these two characteristics being essential for the success of your website.

In addition, it offers you a great service from 60 dollars and up, making it one of the best for making web pages, since, beyond the low cost, you will have the guarantee that your website will be completely stable and functional for your requirements.

Also, it is important to keep in mind that the next step would be to hire a secure hosting and domain, since they play an important role in knowing what budget you will need for your website. In the same way, it will continue to be accessible to you and your requirements if you decide to do it with us.

We know that a very frequent doubt that many people encounter when they start with this web page is what Hosting and Domain is, but don’t worry, the explanation is simple and this article will clarify all your doubts.

¿What is hosting and why do you need it?

Hosting or web hosting is a vital tool so that you can have your space and you can upload your website to the internet. Hosting includes space on a server to install WordPress, use a web builder, create email accounts or databases, that is, a rental of a storage system for your web content, therefore, without it you will not be able to maintain your website posted on the internet.

¿What is hosting made of?

Hosting has some basic characteristics that you must take into account when choosing your plans, however, they may vary depending on the provider you choose for this service:

  • Storage: This is memory and disk space, ranging from a few gigabytes to as many as you need with a dedicated server. Check if the hosting package includes the amount of space you need to host your website files.
  • Type of storage: the ideal would be to choose a hosting that has SSD-type storage, this is much faster than other traditional disks.
  • Number of sites: Most hosting providers offer you plans from one site to unlimited sites associated with your same account.
  • Bandwidth: This is the maximum amount of data per month that your website can use.
  • Security: Some hosting plans include data security processes (such as SSL certificates), and others are purchased separately (such as anti-malware protection).

¿What is the domain and why do you need it?

It is a unique name that identifies your website on the internet. When you buy a domain for a website, what you acquire is the right to use a certain name on the Internet, also made up of an extension, such as .com .es .net, but there are hundreds of other extensions to choose from according to the theme of your website or business.

In conclusion, despite the fact that hosting and domain are two different things, it is necessary that the two work together if you want the website to be accessible, but above all, the important thing is to know how to choose them, also to obtain cheap websites you must first consult with hosting and domain providers and thus you will know which one best suits your needs.

Clarified your doubts, do not stay with the desire! Remember that in terms of cheap websites in Ecuador we are your best option, where you will also have many benefits in all the plans that we offer at a very attractive price.