Agiled CRM the alternative to Flowlu

If it is about commercial, practical and technological strategies focused on the relationship with the client portfolio, Agiled CRM is a perfect option. It is the most effective competition that the Flowlu tool has, since it has all the functions and some more novelties. Agile CRM brings an all-in-one set of tools when it comes to marketing and sales. Marketing and its automation allows you to manage contacts more efficiently. Therefore, it is a very useful platform to connect your clients with Agiled’s own CRM and manage, for example, meetings. Dare to learn more about this platform and all the functions you can perform with it. What is Agiled CRM? The acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is the set of commercial, practical and technological strategies that have to do with customer relations. It allows the automation of sales, services and marketing in general on the same platform, where you can manage the follow-up of customer contacts, sales, marketing automation, emails and web analysis. But there are other functions that will help you optimize everything that a client portfolio implies. By the way, the platform updated its CRM at least a year ago, more renewed and with improvements. Features that Agiled CRM brings Allows the automation and follow-up of sales with the client.Automation and monitoring of marketing and services.Manage contacts, two-way emails and web analytics for those contacts.It has a modern, intuitive and simple interface.A single account in Agiled CRM can have multiple contacts and sales channels.Manage your…

Agiled CRM the alternative to Flowlu

If it is about commercial, practical and technological strategies focused on the relationship with the client portfolio, Agiled CRM is a perfect option. It is the most effective competition that the Flowlu tool has, since it has all the functions and some more novelties. Agile CRM brings an all-in-one set of tools when it comes to marketing and sales.

Marketing and its automation allows you to manage contacts more efficiently. Therefore, it is a very useful platform to connect your clients with Agiled’s own CRM and manage, for example, meetings.

Dare to learn more about this platform and all the functions you can perform with it.

What is Agiled CRM?

The acronym CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is the set of commercial, practical and technological strategies that have to do with customer relations. It allows the automation of sales, services and marketing in general on the same platform, where you can manage the follow-up of customer contacts, sales, marketing automation, emails and web analysis. But there are other functions that will help you optimize everything that a client portfolio implies.

By the way, the platform updated its CRM at least a year ago, more renewed and with improvements.

Features that Agiled CRM brings

  • Allows the automation and follow-up of sales with the client.
  • Automation and monitoring of marketing and services.
  • Manage contacts, two-way emails and web analytics for those contacts.
  • It has a modern, intuitive and simple interface.
  • A single account in Agiled CRM can have multiple contacts and sales channels.
  • Manage your contacts to possible potential customers.
  • Manages link emails for subscribers.
  • Manage social media for prospects.
  • Automate the social profiles of those prospects.
  • Issues advanced reports of these clients.
  • Includes phone system, Social Suite and Smart Online Popups.
  • Real time when it comes to alerts.

Accounts Function

The accounts are the companies or clients that you can manage on the platform, there you can see the number of accounts or companies that you follow. To add more accounts is simple, just click on the + button and add its data. There you can display the complete information of that company or account such as: Contacts, emails, notes, tasks, add files, meetings, activities with the account, among others. In this same function you can also connect G-Suite, Office 365 and Imap, useful office tools that are present in what has to do with business management and services.

In the tasks tab of that client, you can also add pending tasks and when they are finished they will become part of the ‘Completed’ tab. The meetings or meeting is a very frequented function, there you can schedule a meeting and add them.

Where does Agiled CRM operate?

The platform is capable of operating or running on different systems and platforms such as: SaaS, Cloud, Windows and Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, iPad and on the Web. It was founded from India in the year 2012 in Hyderrabad. It allows you to establish a connection with LinkedIn, Google, ClickDesk, Twitter, Ziondesk, among other platforms and social networks.

So, Agiled CRM will make your life easy to close sales and the best thing is that it will be constant for each month. Agiled CRM was created for small companies, so that the user can glimpse a more complete vision of their contact or future client. In addition, the platform will provide you with a more intuitive, easy and fluid way to follow those companies.